Sesame Workshop India (SWI) launched the ambitious “Learn to Read Campaign” on International Literacy Day, September 8, 2016. With the commencement of the campaign the organization aims to reach 6000 children of Grade 1 with engaging educational tools which can help improve their reading, listening and speaking skills. Sesame Workshop India targets to raise INR 15, 00,000 to reach children studying in 100 government schools of Delhi and train 100 teachers. Supporters can log on to , an online crowdfunding platform, and be a part of the campaign by donating as low as INR 250. The recent report released as part of the Delhi Government’s initiative, Chunauti 2018, re-affirms that improving the quality of preschool and early primary education has to be on a war footing if we want to ensure that this generation grows-up with the requisite 21st century skills. In the light of the survey results, Sesame Workshop India (SWI) takes this step to make ...
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