Stanford Graduate School of Business has officially called for applications from India’s brightest entrepreneurs and innovators to attend its Stanford Ignite-Bangalore certificate program. Now recruiting its fifth cohort of participants in four years in India, the 10-week part-time program attracts aspiring leaders from diverse industries, including science, technology, engineering, finance, and law. The program, which runs from January – March 2017, will be taught by the same Stanford professors who teach at the school’s world-renowned MBA program. These faculty will deliver instruction in person, and by live video link at the program’s location at the Infosys headquarters in Bangalore. Students from the 2016 cohort include entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs from startups such as DataGlen, Flipkart, and Letsride as well as from larger companies including Infosys, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Goldman Sachs, Cisco, Wells Fargo, and IBM India. In 2013, Stanford Graduate School of Business ...
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