Sesame Workshop India (SWI), from the globally acclaimed Sesame Workshop- one of the leaders in the space of early childhood education and care, launches its parenting website – SESAME STREET INDIA EXCHANGE. The online platform is a storehouse of information related to all aspects of parenting and offers insights and support to parents of kids aged 0-8 years, with an objective to guide them towards their kids’ holistic development. There is lots for young parents to catch on the website ranging from DIY activities to toolkits to engage their kid. So if you’re a parent wondering how to travel with your young kid or how your kid’s first day at school would be or how you’ll leave your kid behind while you work in the office, log on to and take inspiration from strategies adopted by other parents for dealing with their daily parenting highs and lows.
The early years (0-6 years) are the most critical period of learning for kids. A wide body of research confirms that almost 90% of brain development occurs during these years, and providing kids with age and developmentally appropriate stimulus in this period is critical to their well-being and lifelong learning. For over 40 years, Sesame Street through its various initiatives around the globe has been guiding kids toward success in school and life, and research tells us that Sesame Street works. A recent study conducted by the Wellesley College found that greater access to Sesame Street led to improved early education outcomes and had a positive impact on kids’ performance all through elementary school.
Sashwati Banerjee, Managing Director, Sesame Workshop India shares, “With the changing of the socio-economic landscape a large number of young urban parents rely online for parenting information. It gives them a space where they can engage with other parents to discuss, debate and deliberate all things parenting. The content on the website includes blogs, articles, research on early childhood development and resource materials that can inform their parenting choices and decisions.”
The idea behind Sesame Street India Exchange is to enable urban parents to connect with like-minded people and find relevant information which can help them engage with their kids better. The website addresses a wide range of child-centric issues ranging from literacy, hygiene, nutrition to executive functioning and socio-emotional skills. It offers an easy navigation to parents by the division of content as per age and topic. The website also hosts 13 exclusive parenting webisodes by celebrity columnist and writer Twinkle Khanna on topics like bullying, conflict resolution, the importance of listening, fear of the dark, separation anxiety, good touch-bad touch and much more.
Talking about her association, Twinkle shares, “As parents, all of us are presented with situations and issues which we need to address with sensitivity and balance. Most of us who live in nuclear families do not have the advantage of the invaluable experience and judicious advice of our family elders and grandparents. Sesame Street India Exchange is a platform that aims to provide insights related to all aspects of parenting helping today’s parents to be informed and equipped with the right language and strategies to help their kids grow smarter, stronger and kinder. It is a significant initiative by a credible institution and I am delighted to be associated with Sesame Workshop as it moves forward to creating an online community for young parents”
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