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Things You Should Do Before Turning 30

Time runs faster and never waits for anybody. Before you realize this and be 30, it is good to go hand-in-hand with time and accomplish all things you had wished for in your twenties. Stop staring in the mirror in shock: “We’re getting so old!” and try below few simple courageous acts before turning 30 and do yourself a favor:-
  • Be A True Explorer
You have missed your life's biggest opportunity of adventure and fun, if you've not traveled alone yet. Exploring a country as a foreigner is always a fun ride where you can find the fear and exhilaration together. Before stepping into your 30th year, melt down in the surroundings of any place of your choice and
experience the ultimate life of a true explorer. Forget everything about you and your previous life. Just live like a free bird.
  • Learn To Say "NO"
A thumb rule to a good and happy life - learn to say "NO" without giving any apology or long list of reasons. You need to realize that it's your life and you deserve a right to say "NO" because you don’t want to live a fake life where you're not happy as you can’t think of a good excuse instead of saying a simple "NO"
  • Friend With Your Enemy
It may sound you bit stupid and senseless talk. But, becoming friend with someone whom you’ve hated first is a great idea. Just give a thought, you are going to make a healthy relation of friendship with a person whom once you’ve seen as the enemy and know all flaws, evil sides. Turn that hatred into love.
  • Go For Blind Dates
How can you forget to go on a blind date before turning 30. Many consider blind dates a bullshit, but for me it is a chance to be open and try new people. A date brings you a confidence to spend a quality time with someone new and gain new experiences.


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