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The History And Glory of Taj Mahal

This mausoleum built in India in around 1630 AD still attracts hundreds of visitors from various parts of the world. Its construction took a total of 22 years and the result was a monument that stands among the seven most famous wonders of the world. Sited in the modern day Agra city in Uttar Pradesh state, this soulful symbol of love is a true representation of unique early Mughal and Persian architecture.
History of Taj Mahal:
It was constructed as a gift by a husband to his beloved late wife. Having died during delivery, Mumtaz Mahal’s husband named Shan Jahan who was the then emperor had to give her a gift the world hadn’t seen before. On her death bed, the emperor wife had requested for a monument in her remembrance. He sought the services of a Persian engineer and astrologer who designed it. It hosted the tomb of the wife and later the emperor’s after his death and burial next to her wife. A total of 22000 workers had to be hired to build this monument and carry marble all the way from Rajasthan in India using elephants. A town close to the structure that is currently called Taj Ganj actually began as the workers residence and had been named Mumtazabad after the deceased emperor’s wife.
Building materials; several unique materials were used in construction of this structure. Some of them had in fact never been used before and the emperor aimed at making the deceased wife’s gift the most unique structure the world has ever seen. The materials were acquired from various parts of central Asia and India. These material includes;
White marble was brought from Rajasthan and is the main material used giving the structure its characteristic white color.
Corals and topaz brought from China
Sandstones. Diamonds, sapphire, gemstones amber and marble work for the interior.
Other facts about Taj Mahal:
- Its name stands for crown palace in English.
- It is a symbol of endless love following the circumstances under which it was built.
- Its location is a very short distance from the current day capital city of India; New Delhi
- Ranks among the seven top wonders of the world
- It is an amazingly designed complex whose site can be artistically divided into 5 areas; the terrace area composed of a mosque, Jawab and tomb, the gardens, the Taj Ganji or a Bazaar, the moonlight garden and the gateway which has other tombs as well as the accommodation for the attendants.
- It has one of the most complex ancient designs with the gate reaching up to 100 feet high and the inner dome reaching 17.7 meters diameter. It then has minarets on all corners that reach up to 41 meters high?
So are you ready to share Taj Mahal’s love with your spouse? Could you be now thinking of a travel to India to spend time in the ancient splendid symbol of love till death? Indian Visa applications is now available online to ease and speed up the process of acquiring these travel documents. All you have to do is go to their online visa site and plan your trip to one of the seven world wonders: the Taj Mahal.


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