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Healthy Food Eating Habits For Healthy Lifestyle

The food type and the amount a person takes determines how healthy their bodies are. It is advisable to take time and choose the best foods which are high in nutrients, according to the body requirement to remain strong and healthy.

Below is the description of the best naturally available foods which help to keep various parts of the body healthy.

Fitness and Weight Control

• To shed unnecessary weight and to maintain a fit, healthy body, one should ensure to take food high in protein.
• Beans, lean meat, seafood, plant foods (vegetables and fruits), fish and eggs are the best sources of healthy proteins.
• Since proteins from plant sources do not contain all the essential amino acids, it is advisable to take a combination of these sources to provide the body with adequate amount of proteins.
• As the human body takes more time and requires more energy in digesting and absorbing food high in protein, it is a perfect appetite suppressant hence making the person remain full for long hours, thus minimizing the calorie intake.
• Since maintaining a slim, fit and healthy body is a challenge, one should avoid diets which are high in cholesterol like egg yolk, coconut, canned fruits, processed meat, palm oil, whole milk and baked products like crackers, doughnuts and cookies.

Skin, Hair and Teeth Maintenance
• The health of these body parts depend on the quality of protein, certain minerals and vitamins intake.
• Taking diet with inadequate amino acids such as cysteine, methionine, lysine and cystine for a long period may result inbrittle and dry hair which lead to increased chances of hair loss.
• Food high in Vitamin A, B6, C, D and minerals such are iron, zinc, manganese and sulphur are necessary for healthy hair and skin thus reducing aging.
• Lack of these nutrients, particularly iron may result inanemia, which leads to hair loss.
• Diets like red meat, chicken, spinach, kale, salad greens, lentils and broccoli are the best sources for these nutrients.
• In addition, eating lots of vegetables and fresh fruits is necessary for healthier teeth. These foods keep teeth healthy by reducing bacterium multiplication in the mouth and hence preventing tooth decay.
• Moreover, foods high in vitamin D such as dairy products, oysters and fish are essential for healthy nails, bones and teeth as well as for the assimilation of phosphorus and calcium in the body.
• Calcium is important, especially for expectant mothers as the unborn child takes the calcium they require from the mother.
• Inadequate calcium may result in giving birth to a child with abnormalities or miscarriage.
• Examples of foods high in calcium are lemons, walnuts, oranges, sunflower and soybeans.

Points to note
• Overcooking vegetables and fruits destroys vitamins and nutrients they contain.
• Eating raw vegetables and fruits increase the amounts of nutrients one takes each day.
• In addition, taking about eight glasses of water per day is vital to hydrate the body cells and for smooth movement of the nutrients necessary for cell growth and development.
• Water also increases the body metabolism essential for effective burning of excess calories in the body, thus preventing weight gain that may lead to disorders such as diabetes and hypertension.
• Since people are different in terms of their lifestyle and metabolic activity, it is a great idea to secure an Ehic card to receive quality health care even when not within the country.


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