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5 Quick Kitchen Cleaning Tips For Your Home

Kitchen is the most loveable place in the house where all our favorite tasty foods and snacks are prepared with love. It is one place that demands high maintenance on the daily basis. The reason is simple – the kitchen area gets messier on every trip, which is quite difficult to bear. Cleaning sucks. But, proper cleaning is indeed a prime requirement to clean your dreadful mess of a kitchen and make the area hygienic. Generally, the cleaning process seems daunting, long and boring task.

Here are some useful quick tips to confront a messy kitchen and make your cleaning process quite enjoyable. With these tips, you will surely make the cleaning process of the kitchen area much easier, faster and even fun to-do so.

1: The Big Trash Bin
For the amount of mess we make in the kitchen while cooking ourselves some good tasting food, one needs to have a large trash bin in the kitchen because nobody likes an overflowing garbage bucket with trash spilling all around it. Yuck! So it will be better to keep a bigger trash container, then a smaller one and look at one another positive side you will only take out the trash once or twice rather than going again and again. Saves plenty of time!

2: Greasy Walls and Cabinets
Getting the greasy, oily gunk off your kitchen walls and cabinets are one heck of a task, but this type of mess always needs a quick and speedy wipe otherwise it will keep teasing you and making your kitchen’s look worse with the passage of time. The quickest way to remove the grease off your walls and cabinets is the use of vinegar. Just dampen a piece of soft cloth with some water and vinegar solution and wipe it off gently. It will work as a charm. Baking Soda is also an option. And if you have any intentions of using cleaners from the market strictly avoid the ones which have bleach as an ingredient.

3: Nice and Clean Kitchen Counter
One of those parts of the kitchen which gets much messier compared to others. Cleaning the countertop is the task of a couple minutes if you have the right info. For example: Vinegar based cleaners will damage your Granite countertop or wood countertop requires very quick cleaning as it is the most sensitive type of all. Dispose of all the trash, peels or shells, etc. the moment you are done with them. Don’t leave them lying around for a longer period of time. Clean up the spills a bit quicker as well.

4: The Sparkling Kitchen Sink
Yes, we do want our kitchen sink to be all sparkly and shiny, but the grease and the garbage disposal needs better cleaning. Vinegar will come in handy in this case well. But you can keep the vinegar stage to once a day when you are finished doing of the cooking for the day. During the day a little boiling water every now and then is good enough to remove the entire gunk from the drains while the soap solution will work well enough for the greasy sink. Warm water will make the process a bit faster.

5: The Good Clean Floor
The kitchen floor in included in the list of messy kitchen parts we do tend to spill a lot on it and I do mean ‘a lot’ and almost every kind of item like sauce, oil and even raw eggs. Now that will become really stinky if the floor is not cleaned quickly and properly. Firstly wipes the spill off with a cloth, then uses a soapy solution with a sponge and rub off the remains, then use clean water and mop, right away, straight away to save time for later. And a detailed wipe of the entire floor when tasks of the day are done.
After every now and then or perhaps a few months gap does give your kitchen a treat by cleaning it thoroughly and going through every bit of the details of your kitchen no matter how long it because quick cleaning won’t work all the time. But we do know that these days’ time is pretty short on our hands and we need to get things done as fast as possible. If you want a quick kitchen clean up, then give a call to Al Tharaacleaning services in Dubai, which is one of the quick and efficient cleaning service providers to leave every nook and cranny of your kitchen sparkling clean.


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