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Significance of Logistic Support For Supply Chain in Africa

Africa is one of the most popular "resource-rich continents" with a noticeable growth in sales in commodities, services, and manufacturing. With over one-third of Sub-Saharan African countries offering 6 percent (or higher growth rates), GDP of Africa is expected to rise up to $29 trillion by 2050. The economy of Africa, which is majorly consisting trade, industry, agriculture, and human resources of the continent are now experiencing fast growth. And if we talk about "Trade Growth" in particular then you'll surprise to know that trade has effectively contributed in the growth of Africa's economy - 12.5% of Africa's exports are to China, and 4% are to India, introducing better opportunities for business entrepreneurs in African markets.

Africa's economy—with expanding trade is continued to perform better. As of result, Africa is counted amongst the emerging 'e-commerce' markets. There is availability of splendid resources and cheaper labour force, which are two strongest factors for driving the growth of 'B2C e-commerce market in Africa. Indeed the development and accessibility of technology on the continent are adding to the growth rate. As a result, the Africa-Europe and Africa-Asia lanes in particular, has witness very high demand of transportation logistics support in Africa and delivery services in an attempt to make the global market more accessible.

In particular, the global supply chain leaders in every industry —from manufacturers and distributors to retailers and service providers - are happily embracing the third party logistics and trade support services in the continent. This will not only help them to escape the hassle of different logistic challenges, but this allowing them to be more flexible, responsive and efficient.

Given below are major benefits of using third party responsive logistics in Africa:

  • There is an access to an extensive network offered by logistics service provider and it is more advantageous in comparison to the in-house supply chains. The reason is simple - the network makes sure every step in the supply chain process takes place efficiently with lower overhead costs.By adapting the right technology and the core resources, the transportation and logistics company fine tune the whole supply chain, ensuring that all the goods are transported to the desired location in a cost effective manner within the shortest time possible. Use of highly advanced management software allows the end users to track the entire process.

  •     The Fast Problem Solving third party logistics services bring a complete peace of mind. There is no need to be worried because there is an access to everything right from warehousing space to transportation and other logistics in accordance to the need at the moment.

  •        There is no need to fleet investments and maintenance. A number of companies provide benefits like dedicated contract carriage that allowing a private fleet without the costly burden of owning the trucks, maintaining equipment, drivers, and managing safety.

Most importantly, it is advisable to choose the provider for Responsive Logistics and Trade Support services wisely. This is an expensive investment and has significant importance in the smooth functioning of any company's performance among the customers. Good luck!


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