It is absolutely necessary to feel comfortable in your working place in order to give your best and be yourself. If you don’t like the way your workspace looks and feels, you will not be relaxed enough to give your maximum, but will always be looking for a chance to get away from there and be somewhere else. It does not come as a surprise to see how many bosses try hard to provide the absolute best working conditions for their employees, for they know that with this, they will get better results and happier staff at the same time.
- Functional furniture
No matter how nice your desk is, if it lacks drawers, you will probably have a bad time trying to clear out the clutter. Also, no matter how modern your chair is, if it’s not comfortable and good for your back and posture, you’ll end up in pain; so forget about the idea of having ‘all things pretty’ and focus of functionality as well. Make sure your desk is the right height, as well as your chair, so that your back will not be constantly bent, and your head is in the right position while you’re working.
- Break space
Break space is as important as workspace , so if your workplace is not big enough for you to have spare room which you could use as break room, make sure you provide a small place where your employees (and you too) will be able to relax. Put a coffee machine in one corner of the room, get a few comfortable chairs (or even lazy bags), provide enough coffee, tea, and water so everyone can freshen up and get new dose of caffeine when they feel sleepy or unproductive.
- Folders are your friends
Folders are incredibly useful for all those with a lot of different notes, memos, and flyers which otherwise end up scattered all over the desk and lost in drawers. Make sure you have one labeled ‘Things to be discussed’ in which you will put all your notes, contracts, and materials you need. If you write it down and stick it to your monitor, there is a chance that you’ll forget it, or you’ll get lost in your chaotic notes. If most your materials are digitals, simply create a folder named ‘Meeting’ and put in everything you need.
- Boardroom essentials
If your company has a boardroom, you are developed and serious enough to invest in good equipment as well. When you have meetings there, you want everyone to see your presentation, charts, and percentages clearly, so it’s imperative to have high-quality boardroom av. You want your future meetings and skype calls to be as professional and clear as possible, so this is a necessary and smartinvestment. Whiteboard and markers are low tech but equally important too, writing down ideas while brainstorming will help you organize later on.
- Details, details, details
All those small things which always lay around right until you really need them, and then they are nowhere to be found – batteries, markers, envelopes, staplers, scissors, etc. Provide each desk with enough of these, and keep a stash in the back room somewhere. This way, you will avoid all the panic attacks and small breakdowns when a person realizes they can’t find a stapler or a packing tape.
There are no strict rules concerning your workspace, every office is different just as every other person has different needs and references. However, do try to keep your workspace professional and in order, but with a touch of luxury and a bit casual. You don’t want a sterile environment, just as you don’t want to make your office look like your living room.
tags: organizing work space, productivity, workplace, workplace organization tips,
tags: organizing work space, productivity, workplace, workplace organization tips,
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