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Say Goodbye To Joint Pain

Unwilling to live with the pain of joints? If yes then surgery to replace joints is a good option. Joint replacement surgery is an effective way of removing a damaged joint and replace or fix the damaged parts with a new joint, called a prosthesis (pronounced praas-THEE-sis). It is the answer if you’re experiencing a constant pain, can’t move the joint well, having trouble with climbing stairs etc.
It is mostly practiced by a doctor called an orthopaedic (pronounced or-tho-PEE-dik) surgeon only when a person is suffering from joint related problems like pain in the knee, hip, fingers, ankles, elbows and shoulder. Joint replacement surgery also comes handy to treat joints damaged by arthritis and other diseases, injuries, stiffness, swelling etc. Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Avascular necrosis, Congenital dislocation of the hip joint, Acetabular dysplasia, Frozen shoulder & Loose shoulder, Traumatized and malaligned joint, Joint stiffness are some alarming indications that you need joint replacement surgery.
The process of this surgery starts with a medical prescription in which a doctor gives a medicine to the patient to stop the pain only in one part of the body and then, replace the damaged joint with a prosthesis. During the Joint Replacement Surgery, the damaged joints of patients re either replaced by
  • A cemented joint which is usually used in older people who have “weak” bones
  • An uncemented joint highly recommended for young people with good bone quality.
Many doctors recommend this orthopedic surgery a safe option to get rid of joint related troubles. It is a very successful type of surgery, however, its success depends largely on various aspects. Nowadays, the practice of replacing joints has become quite common. If statistics are to be believed more than one million Americans have undergone this orthopedic surgery to cure problems related to the hip or knee joint every year.
If you’re looking for affordable and better medical care than Medical Tourism Philippines is a right option. Many people are nowadays switching to Medical Tourism – an effective way in which a patient is moved from highly developed nations to other areas of the world where s/he can get treatment for the health problem at a lower cost. As per the country’s Bureau of Immigration, a person seeking medical treatment in Philippines can live here for up to six months without any visa extension under the Philippine Medical Tourism Program (PMTP).
For more information please visit – an online community where you can interact with thousands of Expats in the Philippines and get involved with them.

Tags: health, joint pain, joint pain relief, Joint Replacement Surgery, knee joint pain treatment, 


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