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Optimizing E-Commerce SEO Campaigns

The e-commerce industry is spreading its wings in a rapid speed. The number of e-commerce websites is escalating very speedily, and entrepreneurs, especially newbie are trying hard to clutch a strong place. According to Internet Retailer, about 262 billion dollars were spent on shopping sites in 2013 and this amount is quite higher than the previous year. Every entrepreneur who is in this world wants to earn great revenue. Here in this post we are going to shed light one important tips that will improve the online visibility of your website and help you to drive genuine traffic to your e-store.

 Tips for Increasing Ecommerce Website’s Conversion Rates
  • Optimize your shopping funnel
  • Make sure you target long tail product essential keywords
  • Navigation of e-commerce website should be easy and clear
  • You need to optimize the description of products available at the site
Now we are going to mention some simple strategies that could be easily performed by a seasoned as well as novice. Take a look:

1. Optimizing Your On-Page Factors. If you are running a large shopping portal, then descriptions, optimization of titles, images alt tags, and creating content for every page seems like a very complicated task. But in reality it’s not. Here are some best practices that are referred by Google regarding On-Page optimization.

  • Add external links to all relevant sources
  • Image alt tags must contain germane focus keywords
  • Include descriptive and appropriate title tags with suitable focus keywords
  • The content of all pages must be relevant, unique and relevant to the category or product
2. Optimizing the Navigation of Your Ecommerce Website. If we talk about digital marketing, clever navigation of e-stores is the most important practice. Marketers who do not keep their websites navigation simple usually face the problem of high bounce rate. You must take all precautions while optimizing your website’s navigation so you can guide your potential visitors to execute certain chores like buying of products or services. The top navigation can be carried out by placing highly profitable products in top navigations. Apart from this there are some other intelligent ways through which you can optimize the navigation of your website and increase your ROI and marketing performance.

3. Shopping Funnel Optimization. Shopping funnel optimization can be carried out in several ways. One popular way to do so is by decreasing the number of steps involved in the process of buying a product. Most of the buyers abandon a shopping portal just because of time consuming sign out process. In this string, another way is to encourage a visitor to complete the purchase. You can do this by offering some prizes to buyers prior to their entry into the Pay Now section. Whether you make small or big change to your shopping funnel, you need to make use of Google analytics to the type of response from visitors regarding employed changes. Now implement all these sweet changes and you’ll definitely see great increase in your conversion rate.

Tags: ecommerce, ecommerce website, seo strategies, 


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