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For A Happy Sex Life

Lack of sex or romance has emerged as a common problem amongst couples. No surprise. Sex is very important element of a relationship. Nine out of ten wives or girlfriends dream for a partner who can give them happy and satisfying sex life. In  a new research conducted by the University of Colorado Boulder says that the sexual frequency corresponds with happiness. Erectile dysfunction (sexual impotency) is a common reason that leads to bad sex life adversely affecting a healthy relationship.

Sexual Impotence (also known as erectile dysfunction) is a common sexual abnormality in men that is related to the inability to hold-up the erection for a longer time period during sexual intercourse, even in the presence of sufficient mental and physical arousal. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hormonal insufficiency, prostatectomy surgery trauma, insufficient penile blood supply, arterial disorders, iatrogenic reasons, alcohol abuse are some key causes behind the condition of erectile dysfunction amongst men. Oftentimes, the man’s abnormality of not maintaining erection for longer time results in severe frustration and adversely affects the quality of life. With the span of time, the Erectile dysfunction has become a growing concern among the population of younger, middle-aged as well as older men. 
Viagra also called Sildenafil, a popular and safe medicine usually prescribed for men who are suffering from the problems of erectile dysfunction (sexual impotency) – a condition in which a man have difficulty in getting an erection for a longer time period. It is brought to market by the US-based pharmaceutical company Pfizer as a  drug most commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension. Sildenafil plays a great role in developing and sustaining erections, but only when a man has a feeling of a sexual arousal at the particular time. By taking Viagra pills, you can attain the pleasure of happy sex life again for a long time and satisfy your partner almost every time you engage in a sexual encounter. 
People use Viagra pills as an oral drug (only if taken in right dosage) to fight against all problems of related to the symptoms of decreased sexual performance. It is one of the commonly prescribed medications that helps in increasing the blood flow to the penis, which results in a longer erection. In this way, the viagra standout as a true companion and put your sex life back to normal. Truly speaking,  real blue-colored viagra impotent pills are considered as the greatest invention since the wheel when it comes to sexual desire and arousal.

One should take Viagra (25 to 100 mg.) about an hour before they are planning to make an attempt to have sex. The reason behind taking the pills 1 hour prior to sex act is simple – Sildenafil starts working after 10 to 40 minutes approximately and sometimes, it may also take 4 hours after being taken. Don’t take Viagra pills without a skilled doctor’s prescription. It may cause to harmful effects. Always take pills as per the prescriptions instructed by a doctor.
Many people wonder, “How long does Viagra last?” Well, there are a number of factors on which the performance of Viagra tablets depends. Although, a standard time Sildenafil can last is 4 hours. Please note that the time may get shorter for men of old age (over 65 years old) and individuals having severe kidney or liver disease. It is always advisable to avoid taking Viagra pills with a high-fat meal and other medicines as it can minimize the effectiveness of the tablets.

Tags: happy married life, relationship, sex, 
NOTE: Never take medicines without consulting the doctor. Always consult the doctor before you start this medication


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